MEVP's Vision: Driving Growth, Empowering Communities, and Fostering Innovation in the MENA Region

MNT-Halan Supporting MSMEs with financing

With a proven track record of fostering successful startups in the MENA region, we are dedicated to enabling our founders to achieve strategic growth and cultivate a sustainable ecosystem while upholding key ESG principles.


We are committed to attracting disruptive innovators and providing them with smart capital to unlock their full potential and multiply shareholders equity.


Our primary goal is to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship, catalyzing the digital transformation of the MENA region.


Collectively, our portfolio companies have generated over $1.8 billion in revenue and $7.3billion in Gross Merchandise Value over the past three years, showcasing their substantial financial success.


Our investments have been instrumental in creating more than 73,000 jobs, predominantly in developing countries across the MENATP region. We are proud that 85% of these jobs have been specifically generated in developing countries, contributing to their economic growth.


We have actively fostered opportunities for women in technology, as approximately 27% of the current permanent positions within our portfolio companies are held by women. Our commitment to diversity and economic empowerment is shared by our founders, as exemplified by the following success stories:
- Anghami has facilitated monetization for over 5 million artists, 60% of whom are women.
- Bykea has provided women with income-generating opportunities through the delivery of homecooked meals.
- MNT-Halan has prioritized financial inclusion, with a substantial portion of their loans benefiting women.

Through these initiatives, we are actively contributing to the advancement of women in the region and championing their meaningful participation in the technology and entrepreneurial sectors.

Our focus on sustainable growth, commitment to ESG principles, substantial revenue generation, job creation in lower-middle income countries, and empowerment of women in the MENA region are at the core of our mission to drive positive impact and catalyze innovation.

MEVP’s ESG Support to Innovative Startups

MEVP plays a significant role in supporting innovative startups and scaling up their business models. However, with increased attention on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors, investors are looking for ways to ensure their investments align with their values and contribute to a sustainable future. Partnering with a leading ESG consulting firm is planned to help MEVP develop a robust ESG policy, due diligence, and monitoring framework that aligns with regulatory requirements and creates long-term value for investors and portfolio companies.

By partnering with Capital Concept, MEVP enhances its risk mitigation policies and attract socially responsible investors who prioritize sustainable investment strategies. A robust ESG policy also provide a competitive advantage by helping portfolio companies to manage risks and capitalize on opportunities related to ESG factors, such as reducing carbon footprint or improving employee welfare. This can lead to improved financial performance and increased market value for portfolio companies.

Moreover, a well-designed ESG due diligence process helps MEVP identify potential ESG risks and opportunities early on in the investment process. This enables us to mitigate risks, enhance the sustainability of portfolio companies, and create long-term value for investors. It also contributes to a more sustainable and resilient economy by promoting sustainable practices and reducing negative environmental and social impacts.

Monitoring portfolio companies' ESG performance helps MEVP identify areas for improvement and ensure that they are meeting their ESG commitments. This can improve portfolio companies' reputation, increase their access to capital, and reduce the risk of negative impacts on the environment and society. It can also contribute to the development of more sustainable and responsible business practices.
Sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (SFDR)

SFDR 3 Sustainability Risk Policies

MEVGP IV SARL has determined that Sustainability Risk (which are defined as an environmental, social or governance event or condition that, if it occurs, could cause an actual or a potential material negative impact on the value of the relevant investment) are relevant for MEVF IV SCSp. Nonetheless, MEVGP IV SARL does not use the Sustainability Factors as a decisive or reductive factor for any investment. They are merely used as an additional tool for decision-making or an added value facilitating investments.

The primary aim of the investment policy adopted by MEVGP IV SARL remains creation of value of the MEVF IV SCSp’s assets allowing maximization of the profits for the limited partners. As such MEVGP IV SARL considers that Sustainability Risks are not likely to impact returns of MEVF IV SCSp.

SFDR 4 Adverse Sustainability Impact

MEVGP IV SARL does not consider the principal adverse impacts of its investment recommendations on Sustainability Factors (PASI). Given the obligations contained in the Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (including the technical methodologies and data capture requirements this would reasonably entail) compliance is not assured among the different portfolio funds and companies that MEVP IV SCSp will invest in. As such, there is no assurance that MEVGP IV SARL will have access to clear, comparable and consistent data with which to report on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on Sustainability Factors. This decision will, however, be kept under regular review.

View MEVP ESG Policy

Our ESG efforts are in collaboration with Capital Concept - ESG & Sustainable Finance Consultants .

Collaborating with Capital Concept provides significant benefits to MEVP, its investors, its portfolio companies, and the environment and society. It enhances the risk posture of MEVP, attract socially responsible investors, and create long-term value for investors and portfolio companies by identifying and mitigating ESG risks and opportunities. It also contributes to a more sustainable and resilient economy by promoting sustainable business practices and reducing negative environmental and social impacts.

About Capital Concept’s Methodologies 

In December 2018, Capital Concept announced the release of their proprietary ESG Methodologies. These methodologies were developed in collaboration with United Nations Lebanon, IFC, and EBRD, and are anchored in UN's Business and Human Rights Guiding Principles. The methodologies underwent rigorous revisions by UNIDO, ILO, FAO, UNDP, and WHO before they were examined by IFC and EBRD. The Methodologies were highly praised during the Geneva UNBHR congress in November 2018 for their unique approach to investor protection.

ESG Resources

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MEVP has made it a top priority to invest in portfolio companies that strongly align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We strategically focus on investing in profitable and disruptive technology start-ups while actively seeking out businesses that contribute to the achievement of multiple SDGs.

ESG and SDGs are linked through their shared goals of promoting sustainable development, responsible business practices, and the integration of environmental, social, and governance considerations into corporate decision-making. By incorporating ESG practices, companies will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs while creating long-term value and mitigating risks.

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure
Invested in First Movers across 18 investments
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Sustainable Cities & Communities
Invested in startups that have direct or indirect positive Impact
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